Sibainu Relax Room







その解決は次の「標準モジュール M_Clipboard の見直し」の中で書いています。大分時間を浪費しました。

ここで今回の Excel での Project の説明をします。

次の画像は プロジェクト エクスプローラー です。

このブックの名前は AffiForm.xlsm とします。

メインフォームの名前は AffiForm (これまで作成したきたフォームです。)

カレンダーフォームの名前は 日付

標準モジュールの名前は M_Clipboard

クラスモジュールの名前は clsCmdWeek


標準モジュール M_Clipboard の見直し

修正したのは、関数「GetClipboardData」の戻り値の型を Long からLongPtr に変更しただけです。これで関数「GetClipboard」もきちんと動くようになりました。

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData _
        Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As LongPtr


GetClipboardData は本来 LongPtr型のデータを返すが、ExcelアプリはLong型データ量を指定すればそのデータを受けるようです。結果データ不足が発生します。


LongPtr型に変更して受ける iStrPtr の値を見ると桁違いの全く違った値でした。

GlobalLock、GlobalSize は指定したハンドルが無効な場合、またはオブジェクトが破棄された場合なので、戻り値は 0 を返す。

Public Function GetClipboard() As String
    Dim iStrPtr As LongPtr
    Dim iLen As Long
    Dim iLock As LongPtr
    Dim sUniText As String
    Dim res As Long

    Const CF_UNICODETEXT As Long = 13&

    res = OpenClipboard(0&)

    If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) Then
        'iStrPtr がLongPtr型で、GetClipboardDataの戻り値がLong型の場合
        iStrPtr = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)


Option Explicit
#If VBA7 And Win64 Then

    Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard _
        Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function EmptyClipboard _
        Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard _
        Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable _
        Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
    '戻り値の型を    Long → LongPtr
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData _
        Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As LongPtr
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetClipboardData _
        Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal wFormat As Long, _
                          ByVal hMem As LongPtr) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalAlloc _
        Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal wFlags As Long, _
                            ByVal dwBytes As Long) As LongPtr
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalLock _
        Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hMem As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalUnlock _
        Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hMem As LongPtr) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalSize _
        Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As LongPtr) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrcpy _
        Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpyW" (ByVal lpString1 As LongPtr, _
                                             ByVal lpString2 As LongPtr) As Long


メインフォーム AffiForm の機能の追加


赤色は Label、青色は CommandButton、緑色は TextBox です。




ラベルのコントロール名は上から CBPictureURL CBTopURL CBRakutenURL CBAmazonURL CBKindleURL とし、それぞれテキストボックス PictureURL TopURL RakutenURL AmazonURL KindleURL に張り付くように命名しています。


5つの URL と表示したラベルをクリックすると、ラベルのコントロール名から CB を取り去った名称のコントロール名の値にクリップボードの値を代入するということをしています。


Private Sub CBPictureURL_Click()

    Call setClipboardPaste("CBPictureURL")

End Sub
Private Sub CBTopURL_Click()

    Call setClipboardPaste("CBTopURL")

End Sub
Private Sub CBRakutenURL_Click()

    Call setClipboardPaste("CBRakutenURL")

End Sub
Private Sub CBAmazonURL_Click()

    Call setClipboardPaste("CBAmazonURL")

End Sub
Private Sub CBKindleURL_Click()

    Call setClipboardPaste("CBKindleURL")

End Sub
Private Sub setClipboardPaste(laName As String)

    Me(Replace(laName, "CB", "")).Value = GetClipboard

End Sub

作成日をダブルクリックするとフォーム 日付 が開く

テキストボックス MakeDate をダブルクリックすると下の画像のようにカレンダーが開き希望する日付をクリックするとその日にちがテキストボックス MakeDate に挿入されます。

MakeDate の横に新たにテキストボックス「DateZiyu」を作りました。「現在」と文字が入っています。

フォーム AffiForm の追加コード



Private Sub MakeDate_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Dim UF As UserForm

    CalendarDate = Me.MakeDate.Value

    For Each UF In UserForms
        If TypeOf UF Is 日付 Then
            If 日付.Value = 0 Then
                Me.MakeDate.Value = ""
                Me.MakeDate.Value = Format(日付.Value, "yyyy年m月d日")
            End If
            Unload 日付
        End If
    Next UF

End Sub

フォーム AffiForm の変更コード


Private Sub クリップボード_Click()

    myText = ""

    Call makemyText

    Call setPicturURL

    Call setTopURL

    Call setRakutenURL

    Call setAmazonURL

    If myText <> "" Then

        myText = Replace(myText, "#DetailText#", Me.DetailText.Value)
       'テキストボックス DateZiyu を追加したので変更します。
        myText = Replace(myText, "#MakeDate#", Me.MakeDate & Me.DateZiyu.Value)

        Call SetClipboard(myText)
        'With New DataObject
        '    .SetText myText
        '    .PutInClipboard
        'End With
        MsgBox "データを作成できませんでした。"
    End If
End Sub

標準モジュール M_Clipboard に追加



Public CalendarDate         As String


Option Explicit

Public CalendarDate         As String
#If VBA7 And Win64 Then

フォーム 日付



赤文字のコントロールは Label、青色は CommandButton、緑色は TextBox です。

フォーム 日付 のコード


Option Explicit

Private cmdWeekBtn(1 To 42)     As clsCmdWeek

Const SHIFT_MASK = 1
Private mOldDate As Date
Private Const adhcFirstDayOfWeek = vbSunday
Private Const adhcColorSunday = vbRed
Private Const adhcColorSaturday = vbBlue
Private Const adhcColorWeekday = vbBlack

Private Const adhcDayStr    As String = "d"
Private Const adhcMonthStr  As String = "m"
Private Const adhcYearStr   As String = "yyyy"
Private Const adhcWeekStr   As String = "ww"

Private Enum DirectionType
    dtMoveForward = 0
    dtMoveBackward = -1
End Enum

Private mdtmStartDate       As Date
Private mintFirstDay        As Integer
Private mastrDays(1 To 7)   As String
Private mintStartDOW        As Integer
Private lblTop(1 To 7)      As Integer

Private mintYearToday       As Integer
Private mintMonthToday      As Integer
Private mintDayToday        As Integer

Private mintYear            As Integer
Private mintMonth           As Integer
Private mintDay             As Integer

Private mvarMonthLen        As Variant
Private mstrSelected        As String

Public Property Get Value() As Date

    Value = DateSerial(mintYear, mintMonth, mintDay)
End Property

Public Property Let Value(ByVal DateValue As Date)

    Call FillInStartValues(DateValue)
End Property

Private Sub Cancel_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Delete_Click()

    Me.Value = 0
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim BUF         As Variant
Dim I           As Integer
Dim J           As Integer

    For I = 1 To 42
        ' インスタンスの生成
        Set cmdWeekBtn(I) = New clsCmdWeek
        J = (((I - 1) \ 7) + 1) * 10 + (I - 1) Mod 7 + 1
        With cmdWeekBtn(I)
            .Item = Me("lbl" & J)
            .Index = I
            .Caller = Me
        End With
    Next I

    lblTop(1) = lbl11.Top
    For I = 2 To 6
        lblTop(I) = lblTop(I - 1) + lbl11.Height
    Next I

    '--------月の日数の配列 0はダミー値
    mvarMonthLen = Array(0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)

    '--------引数firstdayofweek 最初に来る曜日を日曜日に指定
    '        Left$はLeftより処理速度が早い
    For I = 1 To 7
        mastrDays(I) = Left$(WeekdayName(I, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbSunday), 1)
    Next I

    BUF = Replace(StrConv(CalendarDate, vbNarrow), ".", "/")
    If IsDate(BUF) Then
        BUF = CDate(BUF)
        BUF = Date
    End If

    mintDayToday = DatePart(adhcDayStr, BUF)
    mintMonthToday = DatePart(adhcMonthStr, BUF)
    mintYearToday = DatePart(adhcYearStr, BUF)

    mintFirstDay = adhcFirstDayOfWeek

    '        パラメーターが無ければ今日の日とする
    Call FillInStartValues(BUF)

End Sub
Private Sub FillInStartValues(ByVal myDate As Long)

    mdtmStartDate = myDate

    Call SetUpPublics
End Sub
Private Sub SetUpPublics()

    '        または、プロパティValueの値を代入
    mintMonth = DatePart(adhcMonthStr, mdtmStartDate)
    mintYear = DatePart(adhcYearStr, mdtmStartDate)
    mintDay = DatePart(adhcDayStr, mdtmStartDate)
    Call SetDisplayDate
End Sub
Private Sub SetDisplayDate()

    txtMonth = Format(DateSerial(mintYear, mintMonth, 1), "m月")
    txtYear = Format(DateSerial(mintYear, mintMonth, 1), "yyyy年")
End Sub
Private Sub FixUpDisplay()
Dim intCol              As Integer
Dim intRow              As Integer
Dim intLogicalDay       As Integer
Dim intDiff             As Integer
Dim lngForeColor        As Long

    For intCol = 1 To 7

        intLogicalDay = (((intCol - 1) + (mintFirstDay - 1)) Mod 7) + 1

        Select Case intLogicalDay
        Case 1
            lngForeColor = adhcColorSunday
        Case 7
            lngForeColor = adhcColorSaturday
        Case Else
            lngForeColor = adhcColorWeekday
        End Select

        With Me("lblDay" & intCol)
            .Caption = mastrDays(intLogicalDay)
            .ForeColor = lngForeColor
        End With

    Next intCol

End Sub
Private Sub DisplayCal()
Static fInHere As Boolean

    If fInHere Then Exit Sub
    fInHere = True

    mintStartDOW = FirstDOM(mintMonth, mintYear)

    ShowDate mintStartDOW

    fInHere = False

End Sub
Private Function FirstDOM(intMonth As Integer, intYear As Integer) As Integer

    FirstDOM = DatePart("w", DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1), mintFirstDay)

End Function
Private Sub ShowDate(intStartDay As Integer)
Dim newSelected             As String

    FixDaysInMonth intStartDay

    newSelected = "lbl" & ButtonGrid(mintDay, intStartDay)

    HandleIndent newSelected

End Sub
Private Sub FixDaysInMonth(intStartDay As Integer)
Dim intRow              As Integer
Dim intCol              As Integer
Dim intNumDays          As Integer
Dim intCount            As Integer
Dim strTemp             As String
Dim lngForeColor        As Long

    If mintMonth <> 2 Then
        intNumDays = mvarMonthLen(mintMonth)
        intNumDays = DatePart(adhcDayStr, DateSerial(mintYear, 3, 1) - 1)
    End If

    If mintDay > intNumDays Then
        mintDay = intNumDays
    End If

    intCount = 0
    For intRow = 1 To 6
        For intCol = 1 To 7
            If (intRow = 1) And (intCol < intStartDay) Then
                Me("lbl1" & intCol).Visible = False
                intCount = intCount + 1
                strTemp = "lbl" & intRow & intCol
                With Me(strTemp)
                    If intCount <= intNumDays Then
                        If Not .Visible Then
                            .Visible = True
                        End If
                        .Caption = intCount
                        Select Case Kyujitu(DateSerial(mintYear, mintMonth, intCount))
                        Case 1
                            lngForeColor = adhcColorSunday
                        Case 7
                            lngForeColor = adhcColorSaturday
                        Case Else
                            lngForeColor = adhcColorWeekday
                        End Select
                        .ForeColor = lngForeColor
                        If .Visible Then
                            .Visible = False
                        End If
                    End If
                End With
            End If
        Next intCol
    Next intRow
    For intRow = 1 To 6
        For intCol = 1 To 7
            If Not Me.lbl51.Visible And Not Me.lbl61.Visible Then
                strTemp = "lbl" & intRow & intCol
                Me(strTemp).Top = lblTop(intRow) + lbl11.Height
            ElseIf Me.lbl51.Visible And Not Me.lbl61.Visible Then
                strTemp = "lbl" & intRow & intCol
                Me(strTemp).Top = lblTop(intRow) + lbl11.Height * 0.5
                strTemp = "lbl" & intRow & intCol
                Me(strTemp).Top = lblTop(intRow)
            End If
        Next intCol
    Next intRow
End Sub
Private Function ButtonGrid(wDay As Integer, intStartDay As Integer) As String
Dim Index               As Integer
Dim iGrid               As Integer
    Index = wDay + intStartDay - 1
    iGrid = (((Index - 1) \ 7) + 1) * 10 + (Index - 1) Mod 7 + 1
    ButtonGrid = iGrid

End Function
Private Sub HandleIndent(strNewSelect As String)

    If Len(mstrSelected) > 0 Then
        If mstrSelected <> strNewSelect Then
            With Me(mstrSelected)
                .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectRaised
                .BackColor = vbButtonFace
            End With
        End If
    End If

    mstrSelected = strNewSelect

    With Me(mstrSelected)
        .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectBump
        .BackColor = vbYellow
    End With

    mintDay = Me(mstrSelected).Caption

End Sub
Private Function HandleSelected(strName As String)

    HandleIndent strName
End Function
Private Function SelectDate(strName As String)

    HandleIndent strName
End Function
Private Sub cmdNextYear_Click()
    Call NextYear
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPreviousYear_Click()
    Call PreviousYear
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNextMonth_Click()
    Call NextMonth
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPreviousMonth_Click()
    Call PreviousMonth
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPreviousMonth_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
                                     ByVal Shift As Integer)

    HandleKeys KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNextYear_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
                                ByVal Shift As Integer)

    HandleKeys KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPreviousYear_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
                                    ByVal Shift As Integer)

    HandleKeys KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNextMonth_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
                                 ByVal Shift As Integer)

    HandleKeys KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub buDummy_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
                            ByVal Shift As Integer)

    HandleKeys KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
' Leftarrow      = Previous Day
' Shift-Leftarrow   = Previous Year
' Rightarrow     = Next Day
' Shift-Rightarrow  = Next Year
' Uparrow           = Previous week
' Shift-Uparrow   = Previous Month
' Dnarrow           = Next Week
' Shift-Dnarrow     = Next Month
' PgUp              = Previous Month
' Shift-PgUp        = Previous Year
' PgDn              = Next Month
' Shift-PgDn        = Next Year
' Home              = Move to Today
' Shift-Home        = Move to today in selected year.
Private Sub HandleKeys(ByRef KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Dim ShiftDown As Boolean

    ShiftDown = (Shift And SHIFT_MASK)

    Select Case KeyCode.Value
        Case vbKeyEscape
            Unload Me
        Case vbKeyReturn
        Case vbKeyHome
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call MoveToToday(False)
                Call MoveToToday(True)
            End If
        Case vbKeyPageUp
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call PreviousYear
                Call PreviousMonth
            End If
        Case vbKeyPageDown
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call NextYear
                Call NextMonth
            End If
        Case vbKeyRight
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call NextYear
                Call NextDay
            End If
        Case vbKeyLeft
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call PreviousYear
                Call PreviousDay
            End If
        Case vbKeyUp
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call PreviousMonth
                Call PreviousWeek
            End If
        Case vbKeyDown
            If ShiftDown Then
                Call NextMonth
                Call NextWeek
            End If
    End Select

    KeyCode.Value = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Today()

    Call MoveToToday(True)
End Sub
Public Sub NextDay()

    ChangeDate adhcDayStr, dtMoveForward
End Sub
Public Sub NextMonth()

    ChangeDate adhcMonthStr, dtMoveForward
End Sub
Public Sub NextYear()

    ChangeDate adhcYearStr, dtMoveForward
End Sub
Public Sub NextWeek()

    ChangeDate adhcWeekStr, dtMoveForward
End Sub
Public Sub PreviousDay()

    ChangeDate adhcDayStr, dtMoveBackward
End Sub
Public Sub PreviousMonth()

    ChangeDate adhcMonthStr, dtMoveBackward
End Sub
Public Sub PreviousYear()

    ChangeDate adhcYearStr, dtMoveBackward
End Sub
Public Sub PreviousWeek()

    ChangeDate adhcWeekStr, dtMoveBackward
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeDate(strMoveUnit As String, dt As DirectionType)
Dim intMonth        As Integer
Dim intYear         As Integer
Dim intDay          As Integer
Dim dtmDate         As Date
Dim dtmOldDate      As Date
Dim intInc          As Integer

    intYear = mintYear
    intMonth = mintMonth
    intDay = mintDay

    If dt = dtMoveForward Then
        intInc = 1
        intInc = -1
    End If
    dtmOldDate = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intDay)
    dtmDate = DateAdd(strMoveUnit, intInc, dtmOldDate)

    intMonth = DatePart(adhcMonthStr, dtmDate)
    intYear = DatePart(adhcYearStr, dtmDate)
    intDay = DatePart(adhcDayStr, dtmDate)

    If mintMonth = intMonth And mintYear = intYear Then
        HandleIndent "lbl" & ButtonGrid(intDay, mintStartDOW)
        mintDay = intDay
        mintMonth = intMonth
        mintYear = intYear

        Call SetDisplayDate

        Call DisplayCal
    End If

    Exit Sub

    Resume OWARI
End Sub
Private Sub MoveToToday(UseCurrentYear As Boolean)

    mintMonth = mintMonthToday
    If UseCurrentYear Then
        mintYear = mintYearToday
    End If
    mintDay = mintDayToday

    Call SetDisplayDate

    Call DisplayCal
End Sub
Private Function Kyujitu(lDate As Long) As Integer
Dim myYear          As Integer
Dim ResWeekNum      As Integer
Dim FLG             As Boolean
Dim I               As Integer
Dim J               As Integer
Dim k               As Integer
Dim iCount          As Integer
Dim lDay            As Long
Dim DateBUF         As Long
Dim lKyujitu()      As Long
Dim lKokumin()      As Long
Dim lKanrei()       As Long
Dim lHurikae()      As Long

    myYear = Year(lDate)
    ResWeekNum = Weekday(lDate)

    ReDim lKyujitu(0)
        lKyujitu(0) = 0
    ReDim lHurikae(0)
        lHurikae(0) = 0
    ReDim lKokumin(0)
        lKokumin(0) = 0
    ReDim lKanrei(0)
        lKanrei(0) = 0

    If ResWeekNum <> 1 And lDate > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then

        iCount = 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 1)

        '----------成人の日 1月15日 → 1月の第2月曜
        If myYear > 1949 And myYear < 2000 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 15)
        ElseIf myYear > 1999 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 8) + _
                               ((9 - Weekday(DateSerial(myYear, 1, 8))) Mod 7)
        End If
        iCount = iCount + 1  '----------建国記念の日
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 2, 11)

        If myYear > 2018 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
                lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 2, 23)
        End If

        iCount = iCount + 1  '----------春分の日
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            Select Case myYear
            Case Is < 2100
                DateBUF = Int(20.8431 + 0.242194 * (myYear - 1980) - Int((myYear - 1980) / 4))
            Case Is >= 2100
                DateBUF = Int(20.851 + 0.242194 * (myYear - 1980) - Int((myYear - 1980) / 4))
            End Select
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 3, DateBUF)

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 4, 29)

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 5, 3)

        If myYear > 2006 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 5, 4)
        End If

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 5, 5)

        '----------海の日 7月20日 → 7月の第3月曜日
        If myYear > 1995 And myYear < 2003 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 7, 20)
        ElseIf myYear > 2002 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 7, 15) + _
                               ((9 - Weekday(DateSerial(myYear, 7, 15))) Mod 7)
        End If

        If myYear > 2015 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 8, 11)
        End If

        '----------敬老の日 9月15日 → 9月の第3月曜日
        If myYear > 1965 And myYear < 2003 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 9, 15)
        ElseIf myYear > 2002 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 9, 15) + _
                               ((9 - Weekday(DateSerial(myYear, 9, 15))) Mod 7)
        End If

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            Select Case myYear
            Case Is < 2100
                DateBUF = Int(23.2488 + 0.242194 * (myYear - 1980) - Int((myYear - 1980) / 4))
            Case Is >= 2100
                DateBUF = Int(24.2488 + 0.242194 * (myYear - 1980) - Int((myYear - 1980) / 4))
            End Select
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 9, DateBUF)

        '----------体育の日 10月10日 → 10月の第二月曜日
        If myYear > 1965 And myYear < 2000 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 10, 10)
        ElseIf myYear > 1999 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 10, 8) + _
                               ((9 - Weekday(DateSerial(myYear, 10, 8))) Mod 7)
        End If

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 11, 3)

        iCount = iCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
            lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 11, 23)

        If myYear > 1988 And myYear < 2018 Then
            iCount = iCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve lKyujitu(iCount)
                lKyujitu(iCount) = DateSerial(myYear, 12, 23)
        End If

        For I = 1 To UBound(lKyujitu())
            If lKyujitu(I) = lDate Then
                ResWeekNum = 1
            End If
        Next I
    End If

    If ResWeekNum <> 1 And myYear > 1972 Then

        iCount = 0
        FLG = False
        DateBUF = 0
        For lDay = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 1) To DateSerial(myYear, 12, 31)

            If Weekday(lDay) = vbSunday Then
                For I = 1 To UBound(lKyujitu())
                    If lKyujitu(I) = lDay Then
                        FLG = True
                        DateBUF = lDay
                    End If
                Next I
            End If

            If FLG = True And lDay = DateBUF + 1 Then
                FLG = False
                DateBUF = 0
                For I = 1 To UBound(lKyujitu())
                    If lKyujitu(I) = lDay Then
                        FLG = True
                        DateBUF = lDay
                    End If
                Next I

                If FLG = False Then
                    iCount = iCount + 1
                    ReDim Preserve lHurikae(iCount)
                        lHurikae(iCount) = lDay
                        FLG = False
                        DateBUF = 0
                End If
            End If
        Next lDay

        If UBound(lHurikae()) > 0 Then
            For I = 1 To UBound(lHurikae())
                If lHurikae(I) = lDate Then
                    ResWeekNum = 1
                End If
            Next I
        End If
    End If

    If ResWeekNum <> 1 And myYear > 1987 Then
        iCount = 0
        For I = 1 To UBound(lKyujitu()) - 1
            For J = I + 1 To UBound(lKyujitu())
                If Abs(lKyujitu(J) - lKyujitu(I)) = 2 Then
                    FLG = False
                    For k = 1 To iCount
                        If lKyujitu(k) = (lKyujitu(I) + lKyujitu(J)) / 2 Then
                            FLG = True
                        End If
                    Next k
                    If FLG = False Then
                        iCount = iCount + 1
                        ReDim Preserve lKokumin(iCount)
                        lKokumin(iCount) = (lKyujitu(I) + lKyujitu(J)) / 2
                    End If
                End If
            Next J
        Next I

        If UBound(lKokumin()) > 0 Then
            For I = 1 To UBound(lKokumin())
                If lKokumin(I) = lDate Then
                    ResWeekNum = 1
                End If
            Next I
        End If
    End If

    If ResWeekNum <> 1 Then
        ReDim Preserve lKanrei(3)
            lKanrei(1) = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 2)
            lKanrei(2) = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 3)
            lKanrei(3) = DateSerial(myYear, 12, 31)

        For I = 1 To UBound(lKanrei())
            If lKanrei(I) = lDate Then
                ResWeekNum = 1
            End If
        Next I
    End If

    Erase lHurikae()
    Erase lKyujitu()
    Erase lKokumin()
    Erase lKanrei()
    Kyujitu = ResWeekNum

End Function
Public Sub RaiseClick(ByVal Index As Integer)
Dim iGrid               As Integer

    iGrid = (((Index - 1) \ 7) + 1) * 10 + (Index - 1) Mod 7 + 1
    If Me("lbl" & iGrid).BackColor = vbYellow Then
        Call SelectDate("lbl" & iGrid)
        Call HandleSelected("lbl" & iGrid)
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub RaiseDblClick(ByVal Index As Integer)
Dim iGrid               As Integer

    iGrid = (((Index - 1) \ 7) + 1) * 10 + (Index - 1) Mod 7 + 1
    Call SelectDate("lbl" & iGrid)

End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, _
                               ByVal Shift As Integer, _
                               ByVal X As Single, _
                               ByVal Y As Single)

    Call CalMousePoint(0)

End Sub
Public Sub RaiseMouseMove(ByVal Index As Integer)

    Call CalMousePoint(Index)

End Sub
Private Sub CalMousePoint(ByVal Index As Integer)
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer

    For I = 1 To 6
        For J = 1 To 7
            With Me("lbl" & I & J)
                If (((I - 1) * 7 + J) = Index) Then
                    If (.BackColor = Me.BackColor) Then
                        .BackColor = 16764159
                    End If
                    If (.BackColor <> Me.BackColor) And _
                       (.SpecialEffect <> fmSpecialEffectBump) Then
                        .BackColor = Me.BackColor
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        Next J
    Next I
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Dim I               As Integer

    For I = 1 To 42
        ' インスタンスの破棄
        Set cmdWeekBtn(I) = Nothing

End Sub

クラスモジュール clsCmdWeek



Option Explicit

Private WithEvents MyLbl    As MSForms.Label
Private MyIndex             As Integer
Private MyCaller            As Object    
Public Property Let Item(NewCtrl As MSForms.Label)
    Set MyLbl = NewCtrl
End Property
Public Property Let Index(NewIndex As Integer)
    MyIndex = NewIndex
End Property
Public Property Let Caller(NewCaller As Object)
    Set MyCaller = NewCaller
End Property
Private Sub MyLbl_Click()
    Call MyCaller.RaiseClick(MyIndex)       
End Sub
Private Sub MyLbl_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, _
                            ByVal Shift As Integer, _
                            ByVal X As Single, _
                            ByVal Y As Single)
    Call MyCaller.RaiseMouseMove(MyIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub MyLbl_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Call MyCaller.RaiseDblClick(MyIndex)
End Sub